Sustainable thank-you gift


Sinds jaar en dag hoort het geven van bloemen na afloop van een (klassiek) concert tot de gewoontes en tradities. Een mooi gebaar van respect en waardering voor de optredende artiest. Aan de andere kant past de snijbloemenindustrie niet in onze duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen. 

Giving flowers to artsist after a (classical) concert has been a tradition for countless years. A nice gesture of respect and appreciation for the performing artist. On the other hand, the flower industry does not fit our sustainability goals. 

A bunch from a heated greenhouse or flown in by plane from far away has a considerable climate impact. The use of water and pesticides is also a huge problem. In addition, a touring musician often has no chance at all to give the flowers a nice spot at home, as they are travelling and staying in a tour bus or hotel, while the product has only a very short life. 

It's time for a change! We agreed in the Green Stages Covenant that we want to operate circularly by 2030 and we are located in one of the most creative hubs in the Netherlands. 

This June, we will therefore join forces with 60 students from TU Eindhoven's Industrial Design programme. Students taking the course ID Green: Design Perspectives on Sustainability will start working on developing an alternative under the guidance of their teachers. 

The best designs will be presented after 15 June and hopefully giving us a future-proof and beautiful alternative for the flowers!