© Giulia Papetti

Accademia Bizantina

Vivaldi's Four Seasons & other violin concertos
International baroque orchestras
Thu 25 Jan ’24 20:15 uur

Ottavio Dantone, conductor
Alessandro Tampieri, violin

Vivaldi - Concerto no. 6
Vivaldi - Concerto no. 10
Vivaldi - Concerto no. 11
Vivaldi - Concerto no. 8
Vivaldi - The Four Seasons

Thu 25 Jan ’24
20:15 uur
  • Thu 25 Jan ’24
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall

'To liberate the music, to give it new life, to give it the chance to touch us again.' These are the thoughts with which artistic director Ottavio Dantone opens a score and then rehearses it with his Accademia Bizantina. 'Together we discover the musical secret hidden in a work. We investigate, we interrogate, we dig into it and allow the score, its composition, its structure, its language itself to tell us where to find the essence.' An inspired company, the Accademia Bizantina.

Vivaldi's Four Seasons: no introduction needed. About the most loved classical music in existence. Whose heart does not leap at Spring? Who doesn't melt under the scorching heat of Summer? Who doesn't want to dance to Autumn? And who doesn't accept the somewhat darker tones of existence of Winter? Vivaldi expresses it all. Preceding The Seasons is the Concert in a minor RV356 from the famous collection L'estro armonico. Any violin pupil will be familiar with it. This is your chance to hear it played by a top ensemble....