© Co Merz


Max Bruch's enchanting violin concerto
Sat 28 Oct ’23 20:15 uur

Martijn Dendievel, conductor
Arabella Steinbacher, violin

Smetana - Die Moldau
Bruch - Violin concerto no. 1
Dvořák - Symphony no. 7

Sat 28 Oct ’23
20:15 uur
  • Sat 28 Oct ’23
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall

Enter a musical dream world at the breathtaking concert under the inspiring direction of conductor Martijn Dendievel with virtuoso violinist Arabella Steinbacher as the radiant soloist! This will be an evening full of beautiful melodies and masterful performances.

Philzuid opens with Smetana's enchanting 'Die Moldau', where the music, like a meandering river, takes you through the beautiful countryside of Bohemia. Next, the masterful Arabella Steinbacher captures your heart with Bruch's beloved violin concerto. Her dexterity and expressiveness will leave you breathless and take you on an emotional journey. After the interval, the orchestra closes with Dvořák's 7th symphony, with the symphony orchestra conducted by Martijn Dendievel taking you on the powerful rhythms and lush harmonies.

Important update:

Originally, the concert was supposed to be led by conductor Michael Sanderling, but due to illness he unfortunately has to be absent. In the person of Martijn Dendievel (who has conducted Philzuid many times before), they have found a young and promising replacement. Because of this replacement, there is also a change in the programme. Instead of Dvorák's Fifth Symphony, this evening you will enjoy Dvorák's Seventh Symphony.