© John Mac

Royal Scottish National Orchestra & Ray Chen

Ray Chen shines in Tchaikovsky's violin concerto
International top orchestras
Tue 16 Jan ’24 20:15 uur

Thomas Søndergård, conductor
Ray Chen, violin

MacMillan - Memorial for Zoe
Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto
Mussorgsky - Pictures at an exhibition

Tue 16 Jan ’24
20:15 uur
  • Tue 16 Jan ’24
    20:15 uur
    Hertog Jan Hall

'A performance by someone with a big heart, exciting and romantic in the best sense.' The Strad couldn't hide its admiration for Taiwanese-Australian violinist Ray Chen. Born in 1989, Chen won the International Yehudi Menuhin Competition in 2008 and the Queen Elizabeth Competition in Brussels a year later. Since then, his career has taken him from one major concert hall to another. Also to Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, where he is a real crowd pleaser.

There will be a free introduction at 7:30 PM, co-sponsored by the Muziekgebouw Eindhoven Friends Association.

Also a crowd favorite is Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. At least, these days, because it wasn't like that whet it was first premiered in 1881. The influential critic Eduard Hanslick wrote that he wondered "whether there are sometimes violin concertos that stink", feeling that "the violin received a thorouth beating". But no one agreed with him - although anyone who wants to play this technically demanding piece may indeed have to practise themselves to pieces. Tchaikovsky wrote it in an idyllic setting, in Clarens on Lake Geneva. At his feet the blue lake with the white mountain peaks beyond. He had come here to calm down his overstrained nerves. Writing the Violin Concerto cured him.

A performance from someone with a big heart

The Strad