Team Horeca & Hospitality 


Welcome to Muziekgebouw Eindhoven's friendliest and most hospitable team: the Hospitality Department! 

All our Horeca & Hospitality colleagues are saying the same thing: apart from the great job, they mainly work here because the team is such fun!

This is not only the most sociable team of Muziekgebouw Eindhoven: they also work really hard. The Horeca & Hospitality colleagues ensure that a visit to Muziekgebouw Eindhoven is perfect down to the last detail. From entrance to departure: our visitors go through a full experience, which this team is an important part of. The team provides our guests with an unforgettable evening! 

What do you do when you work in this department? A whole lot of different things: one moment you're working behind the bar, the next you're at the cloakroom, ticket control or escorting guests to their seats. Lots of variety, in other words. 

Finally, let's not forget what it's all about at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven: the magic of live music. We mount shows of many different genres, welcoming different audiences every time. The excitement and enthusiasm of our concertgoers is tangible. They are there to have a great evening and the Hospitality team is fully aware of it! 

Can you see yourself shining in the hospitality department at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven? Then send a short motivation and your CV to Who knows, we might soon welcome you to our Hospitality team! 

What does the job involve? Read the description here.


Op de foto’s zie je een aantal van onze vaste collega’s, zij zijn hier vaak te vinden. Maar er werken op de afdeling Horeca & Hospitality ook een hoop collega’s die niet op de foto staan, bijvoorbeeld de parttime collega’s die naast een studie bij Muziekgebouw Eindhoven werken. Hoe dan ook: als je hier werkt, leer je iedereen snel genoeg kennen! 


Ontmoet onze collega's van andere afdelingen